Friday 12 June 2009

Warriors' Dance - Nice Video, Shame About the Track

"Nice body, shame about the face." One of my favourite phrases, and one with the flexibility to be utilised in any given situation, whereby "body" is replaced by the noun most relevant to the situation, while "shame about the face" is retained, to the pleasing bemusement of listeners. Thus, of Warrior's Dance, I declare, "Nice video; shame about the face". A private joke between me.

The video is indeed cleverly done, with that typical cheeky and riotous élan so typical of The Prodigy. The song itself however begins well and does not go anywhere else henceforth. Ironic that a song of such energy should induce such a listless reaction, but it just feels like a lazy effort. Sure, it will get people up on the dance-floor and shape-making with a manic ferocity, but as a song in its own right it's rather bland.

Please do not think I am berating it for lack of plot; far from it. Its problem is a lack of action. The furious up-tempo beat, reminiscent of a 90s rave, may sound action-packed, but is uninventively repeated.

Perhaps the sticking point at All Action No Plot Towers is that Warriors' Dance is such a curious choice of a single for general release, bearing so little similarity to the rest of the album (which is far more big-beat and angry, in a Fat of the Land vein). There was a grand old choice of singles, and selecting Warriors' Dance does not really do just to the album. A curious choice.

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